William “Bubba” Paris, former San Francisco 49ers’ star, will be signing the copies of “Born For This Moment” at the following two locations.
10/23/15 4-7:00 PM
Galleria at Sunset
Sunset Road.
Henderson, NV.
10/24/15 1-4:00 PM
Galleria at Sunset
Sunset Road.
Henderson, NV.
About the Author:
William “Bubba” Paris former, Three time Super Bowl Champion with the San Francisco 49ers; an All-American at the University of Michigan. A motivational speaker, columnist and an evangelist.
About the Book:
This is the story of my journey from a confused, misunderstood child-in search of normal, to a young man facing one of my most challenging moments, starting in Super Bowl XIX. Using hindsight I look over defining events of my life to understand the significance that they had on that Super Bowl moment. I dissect the mindset I had when I made crucial decisions, knowing now the result of those decisions.
The knowledge that I learned as I navigated through the obstacles of my life can help you navigate through yours. Even though you may be at a different place along your journey, this book will help you understand the significance of your decisions and actions. It is a road map with instructions and proven advice that can be picked up at anytime you may seem lost on your journey to discovering your purpose in life.