National Organization for Women – San Antonio Area Chapter

National Organization for Women – San Antonio Area Chapter

Book relase celebration comes out and meet Katherine Svoi Symthe on May 15th.

Authors name: Katherine Svoi Symthe

Katherine Symthe, former victim of child abuse and the perils of the sex trade, granddaughter of Lester Brown, and now a thriving success story in her own right, announced today her book Unbreakable: The Unrelenting Spirit of Katherine Svo Symthe.

She endure torture and sexual abuse by her own mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, and the rest of her family. She was sexually abused by her own family from the age of 6 months for 17 years. Her family forced her to silently suffer through repeated rapes, gang rapes and torture by threatening to inflict death upon her.

She had ever bone in her body broken to include her back. She even held the head the decapitated head of her own sister at the age of 8 simply because she wrote a letter to Santa Clause asking him to set them free. Her mother was frustrated with her because she could not break her spirit. Her escape was bitter sweet and left to the US Army to which she also encounter abuse by a Sargent during Desert Storm.

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