Hey there Monty Python fans, here’s your chance to have your name forever inscribed in the fabric of Monty Python history. Terry Jones has got a project in the works and he needs your support. Jones is working on a book titled “Evil Machines” and he’s ‘crowd-funding’ and publishing it via Unbound. The way Unbound works is through pledges. With several levels of support, each with different rewards, Unbound book projects are written, designed, edited, printed and sent to you. Support Terry Jones’ “Evil Machines” and get your name listed in the back of the book, get a signed 1st edition, or even an invite to the launch party and lunch with the man himself, depending on your level of support. For more details and to make your pledge of support, visit Terry Jones’ “Evil Machines” Support Page at Unbound. And you can now follow Terry Jones on Twitter @PythonJones